Wednesday 15 June 2011

Breastfeeding Picnic - this Saturday

National Breastfeeding Picnic has run for several years, and asks Parliament to bring in Fairness, Freedom and Equality for all hungry babies, in the UK.

Whilst the law may have changed (Equality Law 2010), we'd like to have a celebration to mark the commencement of National Breastfeeding Week 2011 (19th – 25th June 2011). Unfortunately, due to cuts the NHS is no longer able to promote it so we've taken matters into our own hand...s...

Why should you come?

Bring along your picnic and join us in lovely, sunny Brighton to mark the commencement of National Breastfeeding Week. We’ll have breastfeeding peer supporters for information, no doubt there will be discussions about breasts, cake eating, resources, information on breastfeeding with a sling/baby carrier and we’d like some active participation in creating a piece of breastfeeding art (photo optional) And maybe you’ll have to come along to find out about everything else… and look out for our breastfeeding bunting… I kid you not!

Bosom Buddies was set up to encourage Mums to feel comfortable breastfeeding in a public place rather than behind clinic doors or rushing home. We are NHS trained breastfeeding support and rely on the kindness of our volunteers who dedicate their time to breasts! If you’ve resources (including your time) that you can offer then please contact us.