Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Oh my goodness, it's been a while since I posted... what on earth have we been up to in this time?! After promising I'd post as well, tut tut, shame on me!

Well, we've had a busy couple of weeks with the breastfeeding peer support training and we're nearly fully qualified to be let loose on Mums-to-be, new Mums, second/third time Mums (you get the picture) and Dads too! It'll be a shame to finish the course, as it's been enjoyable having a weekly, regular focus on a topic we're passionate about. Not to mention the many lovely people who are also volunteering with the NHS. The only downside to course is the mound of paperwork you have to complete for CRB checks, hoof and safety etc, all necessary in this day and age but it's been so long since I physically wrote anything my hand hurts!

The course has enabled Gemma and I to discuss how we see Bosom Buddies developing in terms of it's support, potential new volunteers and promotion. We've only been up and running since June (?) and having never done anything like this I'm happy we've had the time to regroup and rethink how we can assist Mums, Dads and bubbas. And if anyone out there has any suggestions, then please feel free to shout up - we don't bite! We're new to all this, so it's been a very quick but most enjoyable learning curve and we're glad you've been here (and hopefully will continue to be) to watch/read our progression. I don't think we'll ever get bored of reading about breasts, parenting or birth - or talking about it either.

Aside from the course, the wonderful Bosom Buddy Gemma organised a last minute entry into the Quintessence Global Breastfeeding challenge. To summarise, it's a worldwide challenge to have as many women as possible 'latch on' at 11 am local time. And... Brighton had the highest number of entries for the UK! So I wanted to say a personal 'Ta' to Gemsie, as she pulled it out of the bag and put Brighton on the global breastfeeding map.

We've also been soaking up some autumnal sunshine, as a couple of our Mum friends joined us for a stroll through Stanmer Park last Thursday. Twas a beautiful day, with beautiful people. Lots of frolicking in the leaves, snoozy bubbas and a dog disguised as a sheep...Yes, you read correctly, a dog disguised as a sheep. I was rather proudly talking about how my new glasses meant I could see a lot clearer, even a sheep in the nearby field. Only... it wasn't a sheep. Upon closer inspection it was a golden retriever and so I spent the rest of the afternoon having 'Look, a sheep' shouted at me everytime someone passed with their dog. I shall get my own back... moo ha ha haaa!

And now... back to breasts. After discussing how we can further support women in Brighton and the surrounding areas we'll be posting details of all the boob groups we know of, along with useful phone numbers. We'd also like to post on breastfeeding related topics, such as illness, weaning, sleeping, myths, relationships and any FAQ's (Flippin' Annoying Questions, such as 'when are you going to stop breastfeeding?') So this should become the online resource we envisaged it to be. If there's a topic you think would help others, then please let us know (or maybe even write us a piece) and we'll add it here.

I think that's all for this post... no photos this week - boo! But I'll be on the look out, don't you worry. Toodle pip!


p.s. Had to edit this post as I completely, COMPLETELY forgot that Bosom Buddies are now officially the face of Brighton Breastfeeding Initiatives new banners! We had our photos taken with the Pavilion Gardens as our backdrop and once we're in receipt of copies we shall duly post on here. Sorry... glad I had that extra piece of fudge, the sugar jogged my memory!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

And a snapshot that's simply too funny to not post!

This is our very own Bosom Buddy Gemma, stuck in a play tunnel! Who said parenting isn't fun?!

Sorry Gemma... ;)

Hhmmm... what to put as the title?

Well, what a week so far! I thought I'd take the time this evening to reflect on this weeks happenings before time escapes me and it becomes a blur. (Or Seren wakes up!)

Of course, Monday was our regular meet and there seemed to be a real buzz about the place. Not only did we have some new beautiful Mamas and bubbas, but it felt special to be allowed to see how relationships between Mums in the group have developed. How when you find another individual you connect with, you can't help but smile :) Along with this, my little one took her first steps which left me in tears. I've never been emotional about any previous 'milestones', but being a part of her life, watching her grow, adapt, interact often leaves me breathless. And it was truly too much as I had a little cry and a big hug from Momma Mia. Ahhh...

Then before we know it, it's Tuesday and Bosom Buddy Gemma and I were at our breastfeeding peer support training (kindly provided by the lovely ladies at the NHS). We're already in week 4 and I personally am finding it quite a journey! After considering myself to be a good listener, I realise that in order to truly support Mums you have to actively listen. It's led me to wondering how many times do you actively listen in a day, week, month? How many times do you wonder what to make for tea whilst your friend discusses any problems they may have? It really is quite a skill, we all tend to communicate but not many people actually listen. That's just one small part of the course, there's a fair amount to take in but the group has a real spirit around it so we're supporting each other through our training. What marvellous women we are!

And as for today... well we attended the wonderful Bubhub set in the lovely Buddhist Centre in Hove. Bubhub is a real diamond of a resource for any parents who take, or indeed intend to take, a child-centred approach to parenting. If you're of a similar mindset, then I'd highly recommend popping by! However, it gave myself, Gemma and our lovely friend Mia some time in this week to simply breathe... before the chaos continues! And it will...

There's been a recent BBC Radio programme aired which has sparked some debate (and hopefully some complaints!). As I understand from Bosom Buddy Gemma, the basic premise of the show is that formula feeding has no adverse effects on health and that breastfeeding is often inconvenient... how very far from the truth! Breastfeeding is not only nutritional but is convenient, sterile, the right temperature and free! I still find it hard to believe in this day and age that some people refuse to acknowledge the facts... if you're informed, then act informed. And as for good old Aunty Beeb... she really needs to remember that they should broadcast responsibly. Rant over!

So if I get the chance to write a further entry later this week, then I promise I shall. I often read a blog by SouleMama, and she has a lovely tradition of posting a photo that reminds her of her week so I thought it'd be nice to do the same. Days often drift into another leaving us without time to capture moments and to share them with others. But be warned, I have a camera phone and I'm not afraid to use it...

Momma Mia proving you can breastfeed in many positions...

Sunday, 3 October 2010

There's more to tea than drinking it...

There's more to tea than drinking it...

And thanks Wendy & Kai for the reminder! I have to say since having bubs I've drank my own weight in fennel tea... it's an acquired taste but I kind of like it :)

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Bosom Buddies begin a blog!

A newborn baby has only three demands.  They are warmth in the arms of its mother, food from her breasts, and security in the knowledge of her presence.  Breastfeeding satisfies all three.  ~Grantly Dick-Read


This is the first official entry on the Bosom Buddies blog (not that there's been any unofficial ones... yet!) and we're a little new to this so please be gentle! Bosom Buddies is a Brighton (UK) based breastfeeding in public support group, set up by Mums for Mums. We aim to normalise breastfeeding, so that Mothers feel they can pass down the tradition of nursing and to empower them to breastfeed wherever and for however long they and their child wants! I think that's a fairly brief summary of who we are... but I'm sure I'll think of more along the way!

Our Facebook page has a wonderful community already up and running, but we felt that by having a blog you'd have more insight to who we are, what we do and what we aim to achieve. In addition to this, we wanted to create a space where we can keep an archive of all the articles/advice that interest us and for parents to use as a resource when they need to find answers or to simply know there are others out there having the same experiences! So, there you go. We're simply two Mums who are passionate about breastfeeding...and babywearing... and parenting approaches... and cake! Mustn't forget cake! 
Toodle pip :)

Bosom Buddy Jo