Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Hhmmm... what to put as the title?

Well, what a week so far! I thought I'd take the time this evening to reflect on this weeks happenings before time escapes me and it becomes a blur. (Or Seren wakes up!)

Of course, Monday was our regular meet and there seemed to be a real buzz about the place. Not only did we have some new beautiful Mamas and bubbas, but it felt special to be allowed to see how relationships between Mums in the group have developed. How when you find another individual you connect with, you can't help but smile :) Along with this, my little one took her first steps which left me in tears. I've never been emotional about any previous 'milestones', but being a part of her life, watching her grow, adapt, interact often leaves me breathless. And it was truly too much as I had a little cry and a big hug from Momma Mia. Ahhh...

Then before we know it, it's Tuesday and Bosom Buddy Gemma and I were at our breastfeeding peer support training (kindly provided by the lovely ladies at the NHS). We're already in week 4 and I personally am finding it quite a journey! After considering myself to be a good listener, I realise that in order to truly support Mums you have to actively listen. It's led me to wondering how many times do you actively listen in a day, week, month? How many times do you wonder what to make for tea whilst your friend discusses any problems they may have? It really is quite a skill, we all tend to communicate but not many people actually listen. That's just one small part of the course, there's a fair amount to take in but the group has a real spirit around it so we're supporting each other through our training. What marvellous women we are!

And as for today... well we attended the wonderful Bubhub set in the lovely Buddhist Centre in Hove. Bubhub is a real diamond of a resource for any parents who take, or indeed intend to take, a child-centred approach to parenting. If you're of a similar mindset, then I'd highly recommend popping by! However, it gave myself, Gemma and our lovely friend Mia some time in this week to simply breathe... before the chaos continues! And it will...

There's been a recent BBC Radio programme aired which has sparked some debate (and hopefully some complaints!). As I understand from Bosom Buddy Gemma, the basic premise of the show is that formula feeding has no adverse effects on health and that breastfeeding is often inconvenient... how very far from the truth! Breastfeeding is not only nutritional but is convenient, sterile, the right temperature and free! I still find it hard to believe in this day and age that some people refuse to acknowledge the facts... if you're informed, then act informed. And as for good old Aunty Beeb... she really needs to remember that they should broadcast responsibly. Rant over!

So if I get the chance to write a further entry later this week, then I promise I shall. I often read a blog by SouleMama, and she has a lovely tradition of posting a photo that reminds her of her week so I thought it'd be nice to do the same. Days often drift into another leaving us without time to capture moments and to share them with others. But be warned, I have a camera phone and I'm not afraid to use it...

Momma Mia proving you can breastfeed in many positions...


  1. How can I "like" this photo? Hehe.

  2. I always knew that Mia was resourceful :) Great photo!

  3. @ Moosticks - No idea how to 'like'... Darn technology!
    @ Nix - And yes, Momma Mia is most definitely resourceful. Lucky Lyra!

  4. Yay Seren on her first steps!! And yay Momma Jo for being such a great and caring Momma to be able to relish in the full joy of the occasion!!!
